Then you’re subject to even more variation in the mobile crop. However, if you use the 16:9 shape instead of the optimal 1.91:1, know that there will be a bit of cropping top and bottom on desktop (see the template farther down this article). This is also the proportion of a video filmed with your phone held horizontally. Or another option is to start with a standard 16:9 shape. That should be 1.91:1, same as the optimal Event Cover Photo.
If you can’t set a specific pixel size in your design tool, look for a Facebook Link Share size. I suggest trying to incorporate one of your brand colors in the top portion of your cover photo so you get a gradient of that, instead of a nondescript neutral color. I’d also recommend using more color in your image, as the gradient for the above cover photo is pretty weak. So obviously you need to be careful to keep important elements away from the edges. Unfortunately that cut off a bit of the logo. Here’s a different example where FB cropped a little off the top instead of all off the bottom. Now as I mentioned, the mobile cropping can vary. If your photo has different coloring on either side, then so will your gradient. You’ll see that New Facebook adds a gradient at the top sides – this is on desktop only, and is drawn from the colors at the top of the photo. Here’s one example of how Facebook cropped the mobile from the desktop Event Cover Photo: Thus, you’re better off to start with a cover photo that fits perfectly on desktop. I tested 3 different event cover photos and found that the mobile cropping varied between them. I recommend 1920 pixels wide by 1005 pixels tall. Friends, you don’t want Facebook stretching your beautiful Event Cover Photo. I strongly recommend you use a larger photo! I checked the display size on iPhone, iPad and desktop, in both the Event and the linked Group.įour of these six display at greater than 1200 pixels wide on retina display. Or as Facebook says, “about a 2:1 ratio.”
The recommended Facebook event cover photo size is 1200 x 628, same as a link share. Great news! The “New Facebook” redesign has not changed the aspect ratio of the Event Cover Photo. New Facebook Event Cover Photo Size for 2022