A crow is like a nomad, a scavenger, taking what it needs and sharing morsels it finds as it travels. Life gave a me the skills I need to survive as a nomad. What you say reminds us everything is always preparing us for the unforeseen. One thing led to another and I developed the skills to create slide-shows and then become a film-maker. The feeling of being interconnected led me to interact online. Lots of crows enter my life, show up on my path, guide me home when I least expect it. And how do c rows help you see from a higher perspective? Thus, the flock of birds soar like Michael Singer's Untethered Soul. Thoughts create the prison of the mind and your spirit is being awakened by the "one". This is the universal story of a mystic (shaman) through the ages. One view is the Matrix as an allegory of someone reaching a higher consciousness, and then doing his best to share what he has seen and knowledge he gains. This reminds me of David Icke , his books and hearing, "the what always comes before the how." Your videos and podcasts also echo themes addressed in The Matrix films with Keanu Reeves, including The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. The latter, I feel, is the right thing to do. It hit me hard, that it was one thing to know certain things and another to share how the magic works. What I had been researching all my life was coming to a head. When 9/11 happened (Twin Towers fell), this was a turning point. Thoughts are not exactly invited they arise, hijack our attention for a bit, then disappear, making place for others. The restless mind jumps between thoughts, allowing them to come and go incessantly. What a useful point: thought focuses our attention on the time-based outer world. As you start to question reality and reference points, you begin to see why I came to wonder where the end game is, what everything we are being fed and taught in this world is leading to. The world gets to a point to where you feel the urge to act. The truth portal arose because I needed it. Now, what inspired you to create truth-based initiatives? However, you have to be aware of your emotions as a gauge to go deeper inside and see what is really going on in the world around you.Īh-ha! We are each invited to get to the bottom of our own truth. When people ring or text because they fear seeing you, getting your reaction in-person, this differs from inconvenience. It is common to be unaware of why we do the things we do, to be unconscious about why we use technology, how others use it or why its available to us. The Internet compresses time like nothing else, to be sure. Yet, technology can also make people feel closer.
When people live from a place of fear, they feel physically and emotionally disconnected by technology. So true! Skype, What's app and other programs completely change how we connect through distance (space) and time-zones. People have different ideas about reality and time, and often see them as separate. Using an alias to play the game reminded me we all create personas in what we think is the real world. People may say, its just a cyber game or internet chat, phone text, or Wi-fi call without visual, yet, who realizes what is happening to perception as technology mediates communication? Somehow, I sense many people relate to this story. I joined a game clan to create a virtual connection with him. It happened at a point in my life when I was separated from my wife and she would not let me see my son. The 'Crow House' name came to me completely out of left field. What is the origin of the name? Why crow and not some other bird or animal, for instance? Many people know you from The Crow House and Crow House Radio. You repeatedly remind us its a gift to turn our world upside down. Thanks Max, for all you do and are, and especially for sharing things in ways only you can, from your unique vantage point. Discover you have the power to shift not only how you see and use time, but also influence the flow of underlying energy that is so often overlooked. This dialogue invites you to see how your sense of time shapes your world. Take this opportunity to step back and review how you experience life. He is regularly engaged in truth-seeking endeavours and shares his thought-provoking findings widely.Īs synchronicity has it, this is the moment to gain new insight into time from a different perspective than you may be used to.
He created two full documentary films, The Awakening (2011) and Trance Formation (2012), both of which are widely-acclaimed and watched by well over one million viewers. At some stage, I came upon his radio shows and podcasts, and grew aware of the huge reach of his videos like The Calling. Very pleased to catch up with Max Igan while he is off on a new mission abroad.